Welcome to my genealogy blog. Ancestors I Wish I Knew is a combination of genealogical information and stories about individuals in my family tree. The focus is on those from my Cochrane, Eitelbach, Merrett, Minarcik and Richards lines and their descendants.

Friday, December 11, 2015

#77--On Christmas Ornaments and Trees

The theme for this week is holidays.  I just put up my Christmas tree.  Christmas tree and ornaments are on my mind.   So it seemed very appropriate to blog about my trees.  When I was growing up, we always had a big tree that sometimes hit our very high ceiling.  On that tree, we hung lots of ornaments, some of those ornaments were on my mother’s tree when she was a child and others were on my father’s tree.

I now have those ornaments and they are very special to me.  When I had  two dogs, I was afraid that they would knock the tree over and break the ornaments.  To keep them safe, I got I small tree, put it in the living room on a table, and hung most of my old ornaments on it. This week I want to share my favorite ornaments with you:  a bell that actually rings, a Santa and a teapot.

I also have a glass candle holder, although I cannot imagine putting a lit candle in it and hanging it on the tree.

If you have ornaments that are precious to you, I would love to hear about them.  


  1. Those are beautiful ornaments. I have a couple of bells that were on my grandma's tree. My mom gave her ornaments to my sister-oh well. About 6 years ago I bought a beaded snowflake kit and my family sat around the table making them. They bring back wonderful memories when I hang them now.

    1. Thanks. I really love old ornaments. In fact I have a pinterest board of them.
